Friday, March 22, 2013

Service in Oyacachi

After a short time back at El Refugio, our LIFT team headed off to the small Quichua village of Oyacachi, in the Andes Mountains, on Tuesday. Many of the Quichua people speak Spanish, so we did not have to change our ministry techniques too much in order to communicate with them. Our aim was to support the small church and pastor in any way possible; from reaching out to the children by playing games to putting on a service for the youth in the church.
Wednesday night we went to the church for a service: half of our team went to the adult service and the other half went to the youth service for people from ages 13 to 19.
Lauren Cottings, Jordan Sandwick,
Kate Trezise, Rob May, and Drew Walker
leading worship Wednesday night
The worship team started the adult service off by performing a few songs in Spanish. Nate Knyfd delivered a sermon while Rick Borman translated, Jake Biedebach then followed him up with a testimony. Finally, Kirk Gambrell finished the service by giving a final message and brought everything together. The people of the church were all quite appreciative and got up to shake hands with everyone involved in the service.

Jake Biedebach giving his testimony
while Rick Borman translates
The youth service (this is the first year that the youth has been in a separate service) started out with Liam and Bekah Campbell introducing what LIFT stands for and what we are trying to do in the community. As soon as the worship team ended their time at the adult service they came down to the youth and performed a few more songs. Soon afterwards, the skit team performed the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego with good reactions and laughs. Caleb Burke then gave his powerful testimony to the crowd, and Abe Howell gave his sermon on temptation. The worship team finished the service off with one more song. The youth then came up to ask questions and just hang out with us.
Both services went very well and were obviously spirit-filled; God was so faithful and pierced the hearts of those that He wanted to reach through us. Keep praying for our team! We have about 3 and a half days left in Ecuador and we're sure that God will continue to work through us and teach us.

Psalm 77:14
"You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples."
Jameson Young

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